Futures Quotes
Quotes are delayed, as of November 06, 2024, 09:27:15 PM CST or prior.
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Triple-M-Farms Cash Bids
Quotes are delayed, as of November 06, 2024, 09:27:15 PM CST or prior.
All grain prices are subject to change at any time. Cash bids are based on 10-minute delayed futures prices, unless otherwise noted. OATS CALL FOR PRICES
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Ag Commentary
Wheat Rounds out Wednesday Mostly Weaker -
Wheat closed out the Wednesday session with most contracts lower, as the CBT market was firmer. The rallying US dollar index put some pressure on Cotton Fades Lower on Wednesday -Cottonfutures faced outside pressure on Wednesday, as contracts were down 5 to 26 points. The outside markets were pressure factors, with crude oil Cattle Rally to Close Out Wednesday -Live cattle futures ended the Wednesday session with contracts up 62 cents to $1.35. Cash trade has yet to get kicked off this week. This Soybeans Rally From Post-Election Lows to Close Slightly Mixed -Soybeans faded off the overnight double digit losses to close Wednesday with contracts down 4 cents to up 2 cents. Futures were ignoring potential Corn Rallies to Close Wednesday, with Robust Ethanol Output -Despite the early session losses in the corn market, futures ended the day with contracts up 2 to 7 ¾ cents. The US dollar index was up 1.731 to Hogs Get a Bounce on Wednesday -The hog market posted steady action to gains of $1 to close out Wednesday. The national average base hog price was reported at $82.72 on Wednesday Full commentary... |